Sunday 30 May 2021

Javascript Confirm not working in Godaddy

From here,

<!DOCTYPE html>

<p>Click the button to display a confirm box.</p>

<button onclick="myFunction()">Try it</button>

function myFunction() {
  confirm("Press a button!");


Everything works well. But when I try it in Godaddy HTML block. It does not work.In Godaddy, Button is seen but when I click button nothing happens so it does not work although design is not problematic.

How can I make it work? Is it possible to run confirm method in Godaddy HTML Block? In fact I can run different Javascript features / code like local storage or document.execCommand("copy"); without any problem in Godaddy. But Javascript confirm method does not working in Godaddy. How can we solve it?

Edit: You can provide alternative solution to ask user "yes" - "no" question in Godaddy by using Javascript - HTML. My aim is to ask user "Are you sure to do this?" I mean you can provide a solution rather than confirm.

from Javascript Confirm not working in Godaddy

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