Wednesday 10 March 2021

Why android think that I am producing a multi-touch event?

Given: view A, that holds view B.

my layout

Action: I am performing touch and hold on view A with finger 1, and then on view B with finger 2. Then release and the same operation but firstly view B, and then view A. And I expect that views will receive similar events in both cases.

What hapens: when I touch and hold A with finger 1, and then touch and hold B with finger 2, A and B are receiving two separate MotionEvents, each of them holds ACTION_MOVE coords for one pointer:


-----first finger down on view A-------
    ACTION_DOWN[#0 (pid 0)=897,392]
    ----action move for first finger----
    ACTION_MOVE[#0 (pid 0)=897,392]
    ACTION_MOVE[#0 (pid 0)=897,392]
    ACTION_MOVE[#0 (pid 0)=897,392]
    ACTION_MOVE[#0 (pid 0)=895,392]
    ACTION_MOVE[#0 (pid 0)=896,393]
    ACTION_MOVE[#0 (pid 0)=896,394]
    ACTION_MOVE[#0 (pid 0)=896,395]
    ACTION_MOVE[#0 (pid 0)=896,396]
    ACTION_MOVE[#0 (pid 0)=895,396]
    ACTION_MOVE[#0 (pid 0)=895,396]
    ---second finger down on view B-------
    ACTION_DOWN[#0 (pid 1)=224,87]
    ---action move for 1st finger----
    ACTION_MOVE[#0 (pid 0)=895,396]
    ---action move for 2nd finger----
    ACTION_MOVE[#0 (pid 1)=224,87]
    ACTION_MOVE[#0 (pid 0)=895,396]
    ACTION_MOVE[#0 (pid 1)=224,87]
    etc . . .
    ACTION_MOVE[#0 (pid 0)=895,397]
    ACTION_MOVE[#0 (pid 1)=224,87]
    ACTION_MOVE[#0 (pid 0)=895,397]
    ACTION_MOVE[#0 (pid 1)=224,87]
    ACTION_MOVE[#0 (pid 0)=895,397]
    ACTION_MOVE[#0 (pid 1)=223,87]
    ACTION_MOVE[#0 (pid 0)=895,397]

BUT, when I firstly touch B, and then A - Android think that it's a multi-touch event and starts to send MotionEvent object that holds ACTION_MOVE coords for 2 pointers to view B only.


   ----------holding finger at view B------------------
    event ACTION_MOVE[#0 (pid 0)=65,33]
    event ACTION_MOVE[#0 (pid 0)=62,33]
    event ACTION_MOVE[#0 (pid 0)=60,33]
    event ACTION_MOVE[#0 (pid 0)=58,33]
    event ACTION_MOVE[#0 (pid 0)=56,32]
    event ACTION_MOVE[#0 (pid 0)=55,32]
    event ACTION_MOVE[#0 (pid 0)=54,32]
    event ACTION_MOVE[#0 (pid 0)=54,32]
    event ACTION_MOVE[#0 (pid 0)=53,32]
    event ACTION_MOVE[#0 (pid 0)=52,32]
    event ACTION_MOVE[#0 (pid 0)=52,32]
    event ACTION_MOVE[#0 (pid 0)=51,32]
    event ACTION_MOVE[#0 (pid 0)=51,33]
    ----------press on view A with 2nd finger, while holding B with first finger-------------
    event ACTION_POINTER_DOWN(pid 1); [#0 (pid 0)=51,33; #1 (pid 1)=1050,-226]
    ---------action move obj that holds coords for 2 pointers...---------
    event ACTION_MOVE[#0 (pid 0)=50,33;#1 (pid 1)=1055,-225]
    event ACTION_MOVE[#0 (pid 0)=48,34;#1 (pid 1)=1068,-223]
    event ACTION_MOVE[#0 (pid 0)=47,34;#1 (pid 1)=1082,-224]
    event ACTION_MOVE[#0 (pid 0)=45,35;#1 (pid 1)=1106,-221]
    event ACTION_MOVE[#0 (pid 0)=42,35;#1 (pid 1)=1131,-219]
    event ACTION_MOVE[#0 (pid 0)=38,35;#1 (pid 1)=1157,-217]
    event ACTION_MOVE[#0 (pid 0)=34,35;#1 (pid 1)=1178,-215]
    event ACTION_MOVE[#0 (pid 0)=27,36;#1 (pid 1)=1195,-213]
    event ACTION_MOVE[#0 (pid 0)=20,37;#1 (pid 1)=1211,-213]
    event ACTION_MOVE[#0 (pid 0)=11,39;#1 (pid 1)=1228,-212]

What I want: I want separate MotionEvents (first case) in both scenarios (first A, then B; and first B, then A)

How I tried to solve it:

  1. I tried process only 1 set of coords at view B's onTouch(), and then return false, and then consume event at view A, BUT in this scenario I ain't receive anything but ACTION_DOWN at View B.

  2. I tried to dispatch event in activity in dispatchTouchEvent() method and then manually call view A and view B dispatchTouchEvent() methods, but It hasn't succeed. I tried to pass to ViewGroup (parent layout) and it hasn't succeed too =( onTouch is not called.

But this 2 of my tries I consider as a HACK, I would like to make OS switch back from multi-touch to separate touch events. Do you know how to do that?

from Why android think that I am producing a multi-touch event?

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