Friday 12 March 2021

What is the best way to integrate different Excel files with different sheets with different formats in Python?

I have multiple Excel files with different sheets in each file, these files have been made my people, so each one has different formats, different number of columns and also different structures to represent the data. For example, in one sheet, the dataframe/table starts at 8th row, second column. In other it starts at 122 row, etc...

I want to retrieve something in common from these Excels, it is variable names and information.

However, I don't how could I possibly retrieve all this information without needing to parse each individual file. This is not an option because there are lot of these files with lots of sheets in each file.

I have been thinking about using regex as well as edit distance between words, but I don't know if that is the best option.

Any help is appreciated.

from What is the best way to integrate different Excel files with different sheets with different formats in Python?

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