Tuesday 16 March 2021

Single flow: sign user in via Google oAuth AND grant offline/server access?

I'm trying to implement Google sign-in and API access for a web app with a Node.js back end. Google's docs provide two options using a combo of platform.js client-side and google-auth-library server-side:

  1. Google Sign-In with back-end auth, via which users can log into my app using their Google account. (auth2.signIn() on the client and verifyIdToken() on the server.)
  2. Google Sign-in for server-side apps, via which I can authorize the server to connect to Google directly on behalf of my users. (auth2.grantOfflineAccess() on the client, which returns a code I can pass to getToken() on the server.)

I need both: I want to authenticate users via Google sign-in; and, I want to set up server auth so it can also work on behalf of the user.

I can't figure out how to do this with a single authentication flow. The closest I can get is to do the two in sequence: authenticate the user first with signIn(), and then (as needed), do a second pass via grantOfflineAccess(). This is problematic:

  1. The user now has to go through two authentications back to back, which is awkward and makes it look like there's something broken with my app.
  2. In order to avoid running afoul of popup blockers, I can't give them those two flows on top of each other; I have to do the first authentication, then supply a button to start the second authentication. This is super-awkward because now I have to explain why the first one wasn't enough.

Ideally there's some variant of signIn() that adds the offline access into the initial authentication flow and returns the code along with the usual tokens, but I'm not seeing anything. Help?

(Edit: Some advice I received elsewhere is to implement only flow #2, then use a secure cookie store some sort of user identifier that I check against the user account with each request. I can see that this would work functionally, but it basically means I'm rolling my own login system, which would seem to increase the chance I introduce bugs in a critical system.)

from Single flow: sign user in via Google oAuth AND grant offline/server access?

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