Tuesday 16 March 2021

Notification setFullScreenIntent stops functioning after toggling notification channel off and on

I have a notification that gets displayed when I have an incoming VOIP call.

I have correctly set setFullScreenIntent(pendingIntent, true) and have the manifest permission <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.USE_FULL_SCREEN_INTENT" />

Everything works perfectly fine under normal circumstances. If the phone screen is OFF when an incoming call comes in, the full screen intent triggers and opens up my activity where they can answer the call.


If a user long presses on the notification, or goes into the apps notification settings and toggles the notification channel OFF and then back ON the full screen pending intent stops functioning until the app is uninstalled/reinstalled.

All the other code is running. The phone is ringing and the notification is in the tray. It just will not launch the full screen pending intent anymore.

I've seen it on Android 8.1 and Android 10.0 (what I have available) from 2 different manufacturers.

I haven't figured out any other way around this. Does anyone know what is going on? Has anyone seen this before?

from Notification setFullScreenIntent stops functioning after toggling notification channel off and on

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