Sunday 7 March 2021

matplotlib(mpl_connect) in for loop to create many interactive plots does not work

I have a for loop that generated different dataframe (pandas) and then plot it. I want to create many interactive plots so I can display and hide different lines in my graph. For that I'm using the on_pick function (as mentioned here)

The problem is that when I plot one table, it works and I have interactive legend, but when I try to plot serveral charts in for loop , non of the legends are interactive anymore.

df = pd.DataFrame(np.array([[0.45,0.12,0.66,0.76,0.22],[0.22,0.24,0.12,0.56,0.34],[0.12,0.47,0.93,0.65,0.21]]),

#plot alone:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
lines = ax.get_lines()
leg = ax.legend(fancybox=True, shadow=True)
lined = {}  # Will map legend lines to original lines.
for legline, origline in zip(leg.get_lines(), lines):
    legline.set_picker(True)  # Enable picking on the legend line.
    lined[legline] = origline

def on_pick(event):
    #On the pick event, find the original line corresponding to the legend
    #proxy line, and toggle its visibility.
    legline = event.artist
    origline = lined[legline]
    visible = not origline.get_visible()
    #Change the alpha on the line in the legend so we can see what lines
    #have been toggled.
    legline.set_alpha(1.0 if visible else 0.2)

fig.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', on_pick)

the result: plot that I can enable and disable the lines in the legend: enter image description here

#plot many plots in for loop:

for n in nums:
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    lines = ax.get_lines()
    leg = ax.legend(fancybox=True, shadow=True)
    lined = {}  # Will map legend lines to original lines.
    for legline, origline in zip(leg.get_lines(), lines):
        legline.set_picker(True)  # Enable picking on the legend line.
        lined[legline] = origline
    def on_pick(event):
        #On the pick event, find the original line corresponding to the legend
        #proxy line, and toggle its visibility.
        legline = event.artist
        origline = lined[legline]
        visible = not origline.get_visible()
        #Change the alpha on the line in the legend so we can see what lines
        #have been toggled.
        legline.set_alpha(1.0 if visible else 0.2)
    fig.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', on_pick)

result: I get the plots but can't play with which lines will be displayed. enter image description here

*when I touch the lines it still shows interactively the x and y values but the legend is not interactive.

My end goal: to generate more than one interactive plot in for loop in matplotlib, with the ability to enable and disable the legend items.

from matplotlib(mpl_connect) in for loop to create many interactive plots does not work

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