Wednesday 10 March 2021

Manual apk signing (jarsigner) vs automatic apk signing (android studio) - result is different APK

I just inherited an old project, which created back in 2013.

The guys used to build an unsigned apk, and then run those commands:

jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore keystore.keystore app-release-unsigned.apk alias
jarsigner -verify app-release-unsigned.apk    
zipalign -v 4 app-release-unsigned.apk app-release-signed.apk

And then upload the signed apk to play store.

However, when I generate signed apk with android studio, it results in apk with different signature.

As a result when I upload it to play store, it shows an error:

You uploaded an APK that is signed with a different certificate to your previous APKs. You must use the same certificate. Your existing APKs are signed with the certificate(s) with fingerprint(s): SHA1: sha1..#1 and the certificate(s) used to sign the APK you uploaded have fingerprint(s): SHA1: sha1..#2

Is there a way to sign the apk with android studio so it results with same apk?

This is not the most convenient way to sign it manually...


from Manual apk signing (jarsigner) vs automatic apk signing (android studio) - result is different APK

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