Monday 8 March 2021

Change Ant Design variables using ReactJs

I am usiing antd library in my application. According to the [documentation][1] [1]:

i can customize the theme by changing the variables like:

modifyVars: {
  "primary-color": "#EB564F",
   "link-color": "#0DD078",
   "success-color": "#0DD078",
   "border-radius-base": "40px",

I did something like this in my react application adding the file webpack.config.js and the next code inside:

// webpack.config.js
const antdRegex = /antd.+\.less$/;

module.exports = {
rules: [
        test: antdRegex,
        loader: [
                loader: "less-loader",
                options: {
                    lessOptions: {
                        modifyVars: {
                            "primary-color": "#EB564F",
                            "link-color": "#0DD078",
                            "success-color": "#0DD078",
                            "border-radius-base": "40px",
                        javascriptEnabled: true,

But the colors don't change. Why and how to solve it?

from Change Ant Design variables using ReactJs

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