Sunday 14 March 2021

Apex Candle Charts are not updating

I'm using apex charts in angular to create a candle stick chart.

my html looks like so:


I initialize the chart with sample data so I can see it working. When I try to dynamically update the chart from my websocket, nothing happens (the sample data persists) component.ts:

this.chartOptions = {
  series: [{
      name: "My-series",
      data: this.getSampleData()
  chart: {
    height: 350,
    type: "candlestick"
  title: { text: "BTC SMA Chart"},
  xaxis: { type: 'datetime' }

this.connection.on("candlesReceived", (candleJson) => {
  var candle = JSON.parse(candleJson);
  console.log("open: " + + " high: "
    + candle.high + " low:" + candle.low + " close:" + candle.close);{ x:Date.parse(candle.timeStamp), y: [, candle.high, candle.low, candle.close]})
    this.chartOptions.series = [{ data: }]

According to the Documentation all you have to do to update is to reassign the series. However that's not working.

How can I dynamically update my chart so it operates in realtime?

from Apex Candle Charts are not updating

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