Saturday 2 January 2021

Python 3 Embedded Images not attaching in email

My code embeds images into email, however it does not seem to be attaching. I'm receiving the mail but with the ? image icon. Everything I've searched and looked at suggests that they're attached correctly.

Snippet of the mail template:

    <img src="cid:image_1"></img>
    <img src="cid:image_2"></img>

Mail function

template = 'Communications'
recipients =['']
subject = 'Test Email'
text_data = 'PLAIN TEXT'
html_data = '<h2>HTML TEXT</h2>'

mail_template = MailTemplate.objects.filter(name=template).prefetch_related('mailimage_set').first()

# create jinja env for mail templates 
env = Environment(autoescape=False, optimized=False) 
plain_text_template = env.from_string(mail_template.plain_text_template)
html_template = env.from_string(mail_template.html_template)
# create templates and render content
plain_text_content = plain_text_template.render(content=text_data)
html_content = html_template.render(content=html_data)
# create message types
text = MIMEText(plain_text_content, 'plain')
html = MIMEText(html_content, 'html')
# create new mail
msg = MIMEMultipart('alternative')

# set mail attribs
mail_to = ','.join(recipients)
msg['Subject'] = subject
msg['From'] = ''
msg['To'] = mail_to
# add images
i = 1
for img in mail_template.mailimage_set.all():
    # open the image from s3 bucket
    img_data = urlopen(signed_url(img.image.url)).read()
    msgImage = MIMEImage(img_data)
    # Define the image's ID as referenced above
    msgImage.add_header('Content-ID', '<image_{}>'.format(i))
    # attach the image
    # increase the image number
    i +=1

server = smtplib.SMTP('', 25)
server.sendmail('', mail_to, msg.as_string())

from Python 3 Embedded Images not attaching in email

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