Sunday, 24 January 2021

Pymodbus not finding 'grouped' addresses on device

I am working on a project in which I'm using Pymodbus to connect to an industrial fan system. I am able to read some addresses on this fan, but not others. The fan's instruction booklet I am working with puts the addresses into "parameter groups", as follows:

Grouping Description
Group 00 Basic parameters
Group 01 V/F pattern selections and setup
Group 02 Motor parameters
Group 03 Multi function digital Inputs/Outputs
Group 15 PLC monitoring function

For each grouping (1-15) above, there are then more specific addresses provided in later pages of the manual. For example, for Group 00, above, there are address entries specified as below:

Group-address Description Range
00-00 Control Mode Selection 0: V/F Mode, 1: Vector mode
00-02 Main run command. 0: Keypad, 1:Communication, 2: PLC
00-20. Jog deceleration time. ~0.1-3600.0

I am able to access and print the above addresses (for the case of the grouping of '00') with the following Python script:

from pymodbus.client.sync import ModbusSerialClient as ModbusClient    
modbus_conn = ModbusClient(method='rtu', port="/dev/tty.usbserial-AQ00BYCR",baudrate=38400,parity = 'O')

The problem, however, is that I cannot access the higher groupings ('01' -> '15'). For example, if I try to access any address higher than 20 with the above script, I get a "no registers there" error. I'm assuming this is because I am locked into sampling the first grouping ('00') with my script.

I explored the idea that groupings specify different address starting points, so I tested to see whether '01', for example, meant an address starting at the location of '100', as below:


but this turned out not to work (since I again got 'no register exists there' errors).

What am I doing wrong?

What am I missing?

Does anyone out there know how to access addresses that are grouped in the above way? This is the first time I've seen this, and I am stumped.

Thank you in advance!

from Pymodbus not finding 'grouped' addresses on device

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