Thursday 7 January 2021

Build Keyboard Key Layout with Jetpack Compose

Building a simple keyboard is fairly simple and straightforward in Jetpack Compose. I built a really simple KeyRow by using this:


fun Key(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, label: String, onClick: () -> Unit) {
    val shape = RoundedCornerShape(4.dp)
    //TODO: make clickable outside but don't show ripple
    Box(modifier = modifier
            .clickable(onClick = onClick)
            .padding(vertical = 12.dp, horizontal = 4.dp), contentAlignment = Alignment.Center) {
        Text(text = label, fontSize = 20.sp)


fun KeyRow(keys: List<String>) {
    Row(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth().background(color = grey200)) {
        keys.forEach {
            Key(modifier = Modifier.weight(1f), label = it, onClick = {  })

That's what it looks like:


I want to achieve this animation:


Has anyone an idea how to archieve this kind of layout in Jetpack Compose?

from Build Keyboard Key Layout with Jetpack Compose

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