Wednesday 11 November 2020

Okta Access-token is returned undefined to Angular application deployed on AWS Cloudfront

I have integrated with okta recently and I am using @okta/okta-angular for angular.

In local everything is working fine. I am able to log in and the okta is redirecting correctly and the user is being authenticated.

but the same code is not working in the environment (https site) I have added URL to TRUSTED ORIGIN and also to logout and login URI in okta account.


when I click on login it is redirecting me to okta. When Login is successful it is redirecting back to my application but when I console the access token and user authentication it is showing as undefined and false. (which is working fine in local)

 const accessToken =  await this.oktaAuth.getAccessToken();
    this.isAuthenticated =  await this.oktaAuth.isAuthenticated();
    if (!!accessToken) {
      this.oktaAuth.getUser().then((claims:UserClaims) => {

from Okta Access-token is returned undefined to Angular application deployed on AWS Cloudfront

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