Saturday 7 November 2020

Issue with AMCharts Series not appearing when The data has less than 3 values

I am using AMCharts4 in a WordPress Project, everything works fine, but I am having a weird issue when I filter the data, let me show what's happening with images:

  • With All the data (Works 100% fine) Image Working Fine

-Filtering the data (More than 2 results works fine 100%)

Filtering Data working

  • Filtering the data (2 or Less results not showing the Scores, here is the bug)

enter image description here

See how it's not showing the respective scores as the 2 first images.

The question here is how do I make those scores appear? I have tried commented lines of code in my funcions but nothing seems to work.

You could reproduce the issue in this link selecting the Australia or Brazil location for example

And see my function here

labelBullet = series.bullets.push(new am4charts.LabelBullet())
labelBullet.label.horizontalCenter = "left";
labelBullet.label.dx = 10;
labelBullet.label.text = "{values.valueX.workingValue.formatNumber('#.')}";
labelBullet.locationX = 1;

from Issue with AMCharts Series not appearing when The data has less than 3 values

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