Thursday 12 November 2020

How to solve CSRF "Forbidden Cookie not set" error in Django?

I am using Angular 8 as frontend and Django 1.11.18 as backend. I am running my Angular project on through command ng server --ssl true and Django API's are deployed on a separate redhat server and can be accessed through

My Login is a GET Request that returns success response with csrf token in header but cookies are not received on the browser at that time and when I call my POST request this cause "Forbidden" error due to CSRF Token.

Middleware in my is:


I have also added:


but still cookies are not received on the browser enter image description here

Any kind of help will be appreciated. One thing more I would like to mention is that When I deploy the Angular project on the same server on which Django API's are applied then application works fine.

from How to solve CSRF "Forbidden Cookie not set" error in Django?

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