Friday 13 November 2020

How to build a static website with a constant url that displays dataframe as a table

we have one of the output of python script in the form of dataframe : "dfIns"

I converted the above dataframe into html table


is there a way to generate static website that have URL like ( and display the dataframe/html output in the url web page which should be accessible to any one in their browsers anytime.

I tried some of the below approached but unable to generate final output and see the output in the form of URL..

def make_clickable(val):
    return '<a href="{}">{}</a>'.format(val,val)

import urllib

Sample table screenshot

enter image description here

Sample dataframe

S.No    Name    Amount
101     aaa     12256
102     bbb     8256
103     ccc     24525

from How to build a static website with a constant url that displays dataframe as a table

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