Friday 6 November 2020

How can Dataframe.join be accelerated?

I have 2 text files (*.txt) that contain unique strings in the format:


The first file contains 50 million such lines (4.3 GB), and the second contains 1 million lines (112 MB). One line contains 40 characters, delimiter : and 45 more characters.

Task: get unique values for both files. That is, you need a csv or txt file with lines that are in the second file and which are not in the first.

I am trying to do this using vaex (Vaex):

import vaex

base_files = ['file1.txt']
for i, txt_file in enumerate(base_files, 1):
    for j, dv in enumerate(vaex.from_csv(txt_file, chunk_size=5_000_000, names=['data']), 1):

check_files = ['file2.txt']
for i, txt_file in enumerate(check_files, 1):
    for j, dv in enumerate(vaex.from_csv(txt_file, chunk_size=5_000_000, names=['data']), 1):

dv_base ='hdf5_base/*.hdf5')
dv_check ='hdf5_check/*.hdf5')
dv_result = dv_check.join(dv_base, on='data', how='inner', inplace=True)

As a result, I get the result.csv file with unique row values. But the verification process takes a very long time. In addition, it uses all available RAM and all processor resources. How can this process be accelerated? What am I doing wrong? What can be done better? Is it worth using other libraries (pandas, dask) for this check and will they be faster?

from How can Dataframe.join be accelerated?

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