Friday 6 November 2020

hammer.js dragging not start 'till finger stop on ipad screen

Dragging with hammer.js works on browser on pc. It fires continuously but when it comes to iPad, there is little problem. It fires after dragging/swiping finger stops on screen


<v-sheet v-pan="onPan">
    <div class="vista__img" ref="image" :style="{ backgroundImage: 'url(' + vista.image + ')' }"></div>


    pan: {
      bind: function(el, binding) {
        if (typeof binding.value === "function") {
          const mc = new Hammer(el);
          mc.get("pan").set({ direction: Hammer.DIRECTION_ALL });
          mc.on("pan", binding.value);

methods && computed

   onPan(e) {
      const dragOffset = -100 / this.itemWidth * e.deltaX / this.overflowRatio;
      const transform = this.currentOffset + dragOffset;
      this.$"--x", transform);
      if (e.isFinal) {
        this.currentOffset = transform;
        const maxScroll = 100 - this.overflowRatio * 100;
        let finalOffset = this.currentOffset;     

  computed: {
    overflowRatio() {
            return this.$refs.image.scrollWidth / this.$refs.image.offsetWidth;
        itemWidth() {
            return this.$refs.image.scrollWidth;

Any idea about handling drag continuously on iPad too?

from hammer.js dragging not start 'till finger stop on ipad screen

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