Monday 16 November 2020

Deblur image with text to be recognized by OCR

I have an image which is blurred:
1 This is a part of business card and it is a one of the frames taken by camera and without proper focus.

Clear image looks like this 2 I'm looking for the method which could give me image of better quality, so that image could be recognized by OCR, but also should be quite fast. Image is not blurred too much (I think so), but isn't good for OCR. I tried:

  • different kinds of HPF,
  • Laplacian,
  • Canny detector,
  • combinations of morphological operations (opening, closing).

I also tried:

  • deconvolution with Wiener filter,
  • deconvolution and Lucy-Richardson method.

But it was not easy to find right PSF (Point Spread Function). These method are consider effective, but not so fast enough. I also tried FFT and then IFFT with Gaussian mask, but results were not satisfactory. I'm looking for some kind general method of deblurring images with text, not only this image. Could someone help me with this problem? I'll be grateful for any advice. I'm working with OpenCV 3 (C++ and sometimes Python).

from Deblur image with text to be recognized by OCR

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