Saturday 24 October 2020

What is the recommended way to validate subscriptions using Unity IAP with the new Google Play Billing library?

The newly available Google Play Billing library does not support the SubscriptionManager of Unity IAP.

Usually, I would validate the receipt with the SubscriptionManager and check the is_subscribed, is_expired, etc attributes and act accordingly.

The documentation of Unity is not up to date with this new information. The Google Play Billing documentation offer no solution or insight as to how to validate that a subscription is still valid. "Not supported" is hardly a valid response, subscriptions are part of a lot of games and software made with Unity.

How can I validate that a Google Play subscription is valid and not expired in a Unity Project using the Unity IAP. Failing to be able to use Unity IAP, any other solution or insight is welcome.

from What is the recommended way to validate subscriptions using Unity IAP with the new Google Play Billing library?

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