Friday 23 October 2020

RecyclerView - Continuous Columns Layout

I am trying to create a layout where items would follow one another in columns (see image below) but I am not getting there yet. I have tried GridLayoutManager and StaggeredGridLayoutManager - the problem with both neither provides the feature of item flowing into another column and following each other this way. With my current attempt I am trying FlexboxLayoutManager but the result I am getting is always columns with single items instead of the items flowing one after another.

The desired behavior is that the items are located one after another and when the high of the recycler doesn't allow for the full item view it should be broken down to the next column.

Here is what I am trying right now:

mBinding?.activeRecycler?.layoutManager = FlexboxLayoutManager(context).apply {
            flexDirection = FlexDirection.COLUMN
            flexWrap = FlexWrap.WRAP
            alignItems = AlignItems.STRETCH

And this is getting me one item per column.

Trying to achieve this:

enter image description here

from RecyclerView - Continuous Columns Layout

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