Monday 26 October 2020

Primeng 9 - TreeTable Virtual Scroll - node selections get lost

I am facing an odd issue with a Primeng 9 TreeTable in an application I am working on which I have configured virtual scrolling and a nested node structure with toggle\expand behaviour.

I am finding after I make a selection, the highlighted node is lost when either scrolling or expanding another node. The highlighted selection jumps to another random node.

Minimal reproducible demo can be found here:

I was wondering if this may be to do with the this.cdr.detectChanges(); which I added in the ngAfterViewInit lifecycle hook, which I added to bring in this bug fix in a v10.0.3 release but removing this makes no difference and brings back an ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError which the bug fix addresses.

The application cannot be migrated to PrimeNG 10 yet either, so I am specifically looking for a v9 fix\workaround if possible.

Anyone got any ideas what may be going on here?

from Primeng 9 - TreeTable Virtual Scroll - node selections get lost

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