Friday 23 October 2020

import kml file and update a table in a mysql database using laravel

I have a KML file that is look like a XML, I need to upload this file and update a mysql database. The data is like this.

    <Style id="inline">
    <Style id="waypoint">
            <name>WPT 0011</name>
                <Data name="accuracy">
                <Data name="provider">

I have this method to import the KML file

public function uploadKML(Request $request)
            $file      = $request->file('kml');
            $filename  = $file->getClientOriginalName();
            $filename  = time() . "." . $request->kml->extension();
            $file->move(public_path('kml'), $filename);
            $path = $request->image->store('public');
            return response()->json(["message" => "Upload Success"]);      

Now with the file after uploading, I need to read the KML and update the coordinates with the same ID of a table. The ID is in the name field of the KML. For example, in the field <name> WPT 0011 </name> The ID would be 0011, without the WPT.

The update method that I currently have is

public function update(Request $request, $id)
        $data= Data::findOrFail($id);
        return $data->update($request->all());

And this is my Data Model


class Data extends Model
    protected $fillable = ['id', 'coordinates' ....];

from import kml file and update a table in a mysql database using laravel

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