Sunday 4 October 2020

How to update a pandas dataframe, from multiple API calls?

I need to do a python script to

  1. Read a csv file with the columns (person_id, name, flag). The file has 3000 rows.
  2. Based on the person_id from the csv file, I need to call a URL passing the person_id to do a GET http://api.myendpoint.intranet/get-data/1234 The URL will return some information of the person_id, like example below. I need to get all rents objects and save on my csv. My output needs to be like this
import pandas as pd
import requests

ids = pd.read_csv(f"{path}/data.csv", delimiter=';')
person_rents = df = pd.DataFrame([], columns=list('person_id','carId','price','rentStatus'))

for id in ids:
    response = request.get(f'endpoint/{id["person_id"]}')
    json = response.json()
    person_rents.append( [person_id, rent['carId'], rent['price'], rent['rentStatus'] ] )
    pd.read_csv(f"{path}/data.csv", delimiter=';' )

Response example

    "active": false,
    "ctodx": false,
    "rents": [{
            "carId": 6638,
            "price": 1000,
            "rentStatus": "active"
        }, {
            "carId": 5566,
            "price": 2000,
            "rentStatus": "active"
    "responseCode": "OK",
    "status": [{
            "request": 345,
            "requestStatus": "F"
        }, {
            "requestId": 678,
            "requestStatus": "P"
    "transaction": false
  1. After save the additional data from response on csv, i need to get data from another endpoint using the carId on the URL. The mileage result must be save in the same csv. http://api.myendpoint.intranet/get-mileage/6638 http://api.myendpoint.intranet/get-mileage/5566

The return for each call will be like this


The final output must be


SOmeone can help me with this script? Could be with pandas or any python 3 lib.

from How to update a pandas dataframe, from multiple API calls?

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