Tuesday 20 October 2020

Firebase Realtime Database rules not working in frontend

Specific TLDR: The rule ".read": "auth != null && data.child('userEmail').val() === root.child('users').child(auth.uid).child('email').val()" should work as expected in the app.

I've followed the documentation and in the rules playground the test works so I think it has to do with the way I'm authenticating maybe? I'll provide the info below and hopefully someone can answer this soon.

Realtime Database structure:

"db-name": {
  "units": {
    0: {
      "serial": "002",
      "userEmail": "s@gmail.com"
    1: {
      "serial": "001",
      "userEmail": "r@gmail.com"
  "users": {
    "R6nlZ...": {
      "email": "r@gmail.com"
    "qwerty...": {
      "email": "s@gmail.com"

Rules object:

  "rules": {
    // ".read": "now < 1604037600000",  // 2020-10-30
    // ".write": "now < 1604037600000",  // 2020-10-30
    "units": {
      ".indexOn": "userEmail",
      "$key": {
        ".read": "auth != null && data.child('userEmail').val() === root.child('users').child(auth.uid).child('email').val()",
        ".write" : "auth != null && data.child('userEmail').val() === root.child('users').child(auth.uid).child('email').val()"
    "users": {
      "$uid": {
        ".read": "$uid === auth.uid",
        ".write": "$uid === auth.uid"

Rules test: Simulation type: read Location: https:db-name.firebaseio.com/units/1 Auntenticated: yes Provider: Anonymous UID: R6nlZ... Result: Simulation read allowed

If I try to get /units/0 I get denied which is what I expect because that's a unit that the current auth'd user doesn't have permission to see.

Now if I do this in plain javascript I don't get the same result as I do in the Rules Playground in the Firebase Console.

<!-- Add the entire Firebase JavaScript SDK -->
    <script src="https://www.gstatic.com/firebasejs/7.24.0/firebase.js"></script>

    // import * as firebase from "firebase";
    var firebaseConfig = {
      apiKey: "...",
        authDomain: "...",
        databaseURL: "...",
        projectId: "...",
        storageBucket: "...",
        messagingSenderId: "...",
        appId: "..."
    // Initialize Firebase

    var email = 'r@gmail.com';
    var password = '123456';
    // Sign in existing user
    firebase.auth().signInWithEmailAndPassword(email, password).then(function() {
      console.log('Signed in as: ' + firebase.auth().currentUser.email);

      var dbUnits = firebase.database().ref().child('units').orderByChild('userEmail').equalTo(firebase.auth().currentUser.email);
      var getUnitsDetails = function() {
        return dbUnits.once('value').then(function(snapshot) {
          snapshot.val() ?
          Object.entries(snapshot.val()).map((unit) => {
            return (
              console.log('Serial number of unit: ' + unit[1].serial + ' & Owner of unit: ' + unit[1].userEmail)
          console.log('no units found for that user bro')


    }).catch(function(error) {

When I have a Firebase permissions set as they are above in the rules I pasted, the user r@gmail.com can't see any units. If I let the read permissions be fully open (not what I want) then that user can see their unit(s).

To me this doesn't make sense because I thought auth.uid is what Firebase can see when the user is logged in no matter what login type they use.

from Firebase Realtime Database rules not working in frontend

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