Wednesday 21 October 2020

Elastic Search Bulk Update using python, how to append a array field with new data

how to update field in elastic search using bulkupdate in python. i tried many ways its all getting error. In some cases i am getting document missing error , how do i update and upsert at same time . and also appending to field is not working.elasticsearch==7.9.1 is the package i used in python

for i in range(0, length, steps):
    end_index = length-1 if i+steps>length else i+steps
    temp_list = test_data[i: end_index]
    bulk_file = ''
    actions = [{
        "_index": "test-data",
        "_type": "test-test-data",
        "_id": test_row ['testId'],
        "doc":{"script": {
                          "source": "ctx._source.DataIds.add(params.DataIds)",
                          "lang": "painless",
                          "params": {
                              "DataIds":test_row ['DataIds']
        for test_row in temp_list
    helpers.bulk(es, actions)

Error iam getting is this

    {'update': {'_index': 'test-data', '_type': 'products', '_id': '333', 'status': 400, 'error': {'type': 'illegal_argument_exception', 'reason': 'failed
 to execute script', 'caused_by': {'type': 'script_exception', 'reason': 'runtime error', 'script_stack': ['ctx._source.dataIds.add(params.dataIds)', '
    ^---- HERE'], 'script': 'if (ctx._source.dataIds == null) { ctx._source.dataIds = []; } ctx._source.dataIds.add(params.dataIds)', 'lang': 'painless', 'position': {'offse
t': 105, 'start': 71, 'end': 118}, 'caused_by': {'type': 'illegal_argument_exception', 'reason': 'dynamic method [java.lang.String, add/1] not found'}}}, 'data': {'upsert': {}, 'scripted_up
sert': True, 'script': {'source': 'if (ctx._source.dataIds == null) { ctx._source.dataIds = []; } ctx._source.dataIds.add(params.dataIds)', 'lang': 'painless', 'params': {'c
dataIds': 'set123'}}}}}])

from Elastic Search Bulk Update using python, how to append a array field with new data

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