Tuesday 20 October 2020

Efficiently compute temporal features with pandas

I have the following .csv file :


I want to compute some more columns to obtain the following output .csv file :


The semantic of each column :

  • Match_idx, Date, Player_1, Player_2 : straightforward
  • Player_1_wins : did Player_1 win the match ? 1 : 0

Those columns will be maintained and I want to add these ones :

  • Player_1_winrate : number_of_wins_for_player_1_before_this_one / number_of_matches_played_by_player_1_before_this_one

  • Player_2_winrate : same as above for player_2

  • Player_1_matches : number_of_matches_played_by_player_1_before_this_one

  • Player_2_matches : same as above for player_2

  • Head_to_head : outcomes of previous matches between Player_1 and Player_2. Encoded as a string of {'0' and '1'} with '1' if Player_1 won the match, else '0'.

What I have done

I am using pandas library to manipulate this file. The naive approach I've been thinking of is as follow : select each match, lost or won, played by a player, and order by date. After that, for the win ratio feature, apply the two following functions to a match.

def get_matches_won_before_by_player(df: pd.DataFrame, player: str, before: str):
    mask_player_won = (
        ((df['Player_1_wins'] == 1) & (df['Player_1'] == player)) | 
        ((df['Player_1_wins'] == 0) & (df['Player_2'] == player))

    req = df[(df['Date'] < before) & mask_player_won]
    req.sort_values(by='Date', inplace=True)
    return req

def get_matches_played_before_by_player(df: pd.DataFrame, player: str, before: str):
    mask_player_played = (
        (df['Player_1'] == player) | 
        (df['Player_2'] == player)

    req = df[(df['Date'] < before) & mask_player_played]
    req.sort_values(by='Date', inplace=True)
    return req

I could apply that logic to every match but this would involve to run those functions for each match, which is very very ineffective.

What I would like to do

How can I compute my features efficiently using only the last match of each player of a given match ? For example, updating the win rate of each player could be done with the following logic :

  1. Initialize each column to 0.
  2. Update win ratio as follow : (M/M+1) + (W/N+1), with M the current win ratio, N the current number of matches played and W = 1 if player won, else 0.

Any help or idea to organize such a process is much appreciated.

from Efficiently compute temporal features with pandas

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