Friday 23 October 2020

d3.js multiple relationship visual / linkHorizontal()

I am trying to mimic a visual that depicts multiple relationships by time period, like this (time period = generation):

enter image description here

However, my efforts have not panned out thus far; I'm still getting blank output in the browser. Hard coded data and code in the snippet:

var margins = {top:20, bottom:300, left:30, right:100};

var height = 600;
var width = 900;

var totalWidth = width+margins.left+margins.right;
var totalHeight =;

var svg ='body')
.attr('width', totalWidth)
.attr('height', totalHeight);

var graphGroup = svg.append('g')
.attr('transform', "translate("+margins.left+","")");

  var levels = [
    [{id: 'Chaos'}],
      {id: 'Gaea', parents: ['Chaos']},
      {id: 'Uranus'}
      {id: 'Oceanus', parents: ['Gaea', 'Uranus']},
      {id: 'Thethys', parents: ['Gaea', 'Uranus']},
      {id: 'Pontus'},
      {id: 'Rhea', parents: ['Gaea', 'Uranus']},
      {id: 'Cronus', parents: ['Gaea', 'Uranus']},
      {id: 'Coeus', parents: ['Gaea', 'Uranus']},
      {id: 'Phoebe', parents: ['Gaea', 'Uranus']},
      {id: 'Crius', parents: ['Gaea', 'Uranus']},
      {id: 'Hyperion', parents: ['Gaea', 'Uranus']},
      {id: 'Iapetus', parents: ['Gaea', 'Uranus']},
      {id: 'Thea', parents: ['Gaea', 'Uranus']},
      {id: 'Themis', parents: ['Gaea', 'Uranus']},
      {id: 'Mnemosyne', parents: ['Gaea', 'Uranus']}
      {id: 'Doris', parents: ['Oceanus', 'Thethys']},
      {id: 'Neures', parents: ['Pontus', 'Gaea']},
      {id: 'Dionne'},
      {id: 'Demeter', parents: ['Rhea', 'Cronus']},
      {id: 'Hades', parents: ['Rhea', 'Cronus']},
      {id: 'Hera', parents: ['Rhea', 'Cronus']},
      {id: 'Alcmene'},
      {id: 'Zeus', parents: ['Rhea', 'Cronus']},
      {id: 'Eris'},
      {id: 'Leto', parents: ['Coeus', 'Phoebe']},
      {id: 'Amphitrite'},
      {id: 'Medusa'},
      {id: 'Poseidon', parents: ['Rhea', 'Cronus']},
      {id: 'Hestia', parents: ['Rhea', 'Cronus']}
      {id: 'Thetis', parents: ['Doris', 'Neures']},
      {id: 'Peleus'},
      {id: 'Anchises'},
      {id: 'Adonis'},
      {id: 'Aphrodite', parents: ['Zeus', 'Dionne']},
      {id: 'Persephone', parents: ['Zeus', 'Demeter']},
      {id: 'Ares', parents: ['Zeus', 'Hera']},
      {id: 'Hephaestus', parents: ['Zeus', 'Hera']},
      {id: 'Hebe', parents: ['Zeus', 'Hera']},
      {id: 'Hercules', parents: ['Zeus', 'Alcmene']},
      {id: 'Megara'},
      {id: 'Deianira'},
      {id: 'Eileithya', parents: ['Zeus', 'Hera']},
      {id: 'Ate', parents: ['Zeus', 'Eris']},
      {id: 'Leda'},
      {id: 'Athena', parents: ['Zeus']},
      {id: 'Apollo', parents: ['Zeus', 'Leto']},
      {id: 'Artemis', parents: ['Zeus', 'Leto']},
      {id: 'Triton', parents: ['Poseidon', 'Amphitrite']},
      {id: 'Pegasus', parents: ['Poseidon', 'Medusa']},
      {id: 'Orion', parents: ['Poseidon']},
      {id: 'Polyphemus', parents: ['Poseidon']}
      {id: 'Deidamia'},
      {id: 'Achilles', parents: ['Peleus', 'Thetis']},
      {id: 'Creusa'},
      {id: 'Aeneas', parents: ['Anchises', 'Aphrodite']},
      {id: 'Lavinia'},
      {id: 'Eros', parents: ['Hephaestus', 'Aphrodite']},
      {id: 'Helen', parents: ['Leda', 'Zeus']},
      {id: 'Menelaus'},
      {id: 'Polydueces', parents: ['Leda', 'Zeus']}
      {id: 'Andromache'},
      {id: 'Neoptolemus', parents: ['Deidamia', 'Achilles']},
      {id: 'Aeneas(2)', parents: ['Creusa', 'Aeneas']},
      {id: 'Pompilius', parents: ['Creusa', 'Aeneas']},
      {id: 'Iulus', parents: ['Lavinia', 'Aeneas']},
      {id: 'Hermione', parents: ['Helen', 'Menelaus']}

  // precompute level depth
  levels.forEach((l,i) => l.forEach(n => n.level = i))

  var nodes = levels.reduce( ((a,x) => a.concat(x)), [] )
  var nodes_index = {}
  nodes.forEach(d => nodes_index[] = d)

  // objectification
  nodes.forEach(d => {
    d.parents = (d.parents === undefined ? [] : d.parents).map(p => nodes_index[p])

  // precompute bundles
  levels.forEach((l, i) => {
    var index = {}
    l.forEach(n => {
      if(n.parents.length == 0) {

      var id = =>'--')
      if (id in index) {
        index[id].parents = index[id].parents.concat(n.parents)
      else {
        index[id] = {id: id, parents: n.parents.slice(), level: i}
      n.bundle = index[id]
    l.bundles = Object.keys(index).map(k => index[k])
    l.bundles.forEach((b, i) => b.i = i)

  var links = []
  nodes.forEach(d => {
    d.parents.forEach(p => links.push({source: d, bundle: d.bundle, target: p}))

  var bundles = levels.reduce( ((a,x) => a.concat(x.bundles)), [] )

  // reverse pointer from parent to bundles
  bundles.forEach(b => b.parents.forEach(p => {
    if(p.bundles_index === undefined) {
      p.bundles_index = {}
    if(!( in p.bundles_index)) {
      p.bundles_index[] = []

  nodes.forEach(n => {
    if(n.bundles_index !== undefined) {
      n.bundles = Object.keys(n.bundles_index).map(k => n.bundles_index[k])
    else {
      n.bundles_index = {}
      n.bundles = []
    n.bundles.forEach((b, i) => b.i = i)

  links.forEach(l => {
    if(l.bundle.links === undefined) {
      l.bundle.links = []

  // layout
  const padding = 8
  const node_height = 22
  const node_width = 70
  const bundle_width = 14
  const level_y_padding = 16
  const metro_d = 4
  const c = 16
  const min_family_height = 16

  nodes.forEach(n => n.height = (Math.max(1, n.bundles.length)-1)*metro_d)

  var x_offset = padding
  var y_offset = padding
  levels.forEach(l => {
    x_offset += l.bundles.length*bundle_width
    y_offset += level_y_padding
    l.forEach((n, i) => {
      n.x = n.level*node_width + x_offset
      n.y = node_height + y_offset + n.height/2

      y_offset += node_height + n.height

  var i = 0
  levels.forEach(l => {
    l.bundles.forEach(b => {
      b.x = b.parents[0].x + node_width + (l.bundles.length-1-b.i)*bundle_width
      b.y = i*node_height
    i += l.length

  links.forEach(l => {
    l.xt = = +[].i*metro_d -*metro_d/2 + metro_d/2
    l.xb = l.bundle.x
    l.xs = l.source.x
    l.ys = l.source.y

  // compress vertical space
  var y_negative_offset = 0
  levels.forEach(l => {
    y_negative_offset += -min_family_height + d3.min(l.bundles, b => d3.min(b.links, link => (link.ys-c)-( || 0
    l.forEach(n => n.y -= y_negative_offset)

  // very ugly, I know
  links.forEach(l => { = +[].i*metro_d -*metro_d/2 + metro_d/2
    l.ys = l.source.y
    l.c1 = > 1 ? node_width+c : c
    l.c2 = c

  const cluster = d3.cluster()
    .size([width, height]);

  const root = d3.hierarchy(links);

  var nodeG = svg.selectAll('.node')

        .attr("class", "link")
        .attr("d", d3.linkHorizontal()
          .x(function(d) { return d.y; })
          .y(function(d) { return d.x; }))
        .style('stroke-width', '3px');
<script src=""></script>

As far as I know, all the pieces are in place. I have my data in levels and then have wrangled the necessary hierarchy coordinates using:

  var links = []
  nodes.forEach(d => {
    d.parents.forEach(p => links.push({source: d, bundle: d.bundle, target: p}))


  const cluster = d3.cluster()
    .size([width, height]);

  const root = d3.hierarchy(links);

  var nodeG = svg.selectAll('.node')

From here, I went with d3.linkHorizontal() for my link function:

        .attr("class", "link")
        .attr("d", d3.linkHorizontal()
          .x(function(d) { return d.y; })
          .y(function(d) { return d.x; }))
        .style('stroke-width', '3px');

Conceptually, I don't see how including multiple relationships per node changes things. And, absent any errors in the console log, I'm not sure how to troubleshoot further.


What is preventing my visual from rendering as desired (in the picture above)? Would like exact replica if possible.


Here is the visual on observable if that helps, but can't be viewed as a standalone visual.

from d3.js multiple relationship visual / linkHorizontal()

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