Sunday 27 September 2020

Invalidate key by biometric enrollment with new androidx.BiometricPrompt

I am using the new androidx.BiometricPromt library to implement authentication with a fingerprint. I want to invalidate key if the user added new fingerprint or deleted one. I am creating key like this:

fun getSecretKey(shouldCreate: Boolean): Key {
    val keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(ANDROID_KEYSTORE)
    return if (shouldCreate) {
    } else {
        keyStore.getKey(ALIAS_BIOMETRICS, null)

private fun createSecretKey(keystore: KeyStore): Key {
    val builder = KeyGenParameterSpec.Builder(
        KeyProperties.PURPOSE_ENCRYPT or KeyProperties.PURPOSE_DECRYPT

    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N) {

    val keyGenerator =
        KeyGenerator.getInstance(keyAlgorithm, keystore.provider)
    return keyGenerator.generateKey()

And I am starting biometric scan process like this:

val info = BiometricPrompt.PromptInfo.Builder()

biometricPrompt = when (screen) {
    is FragmentActivity -> BiometricPrompt(screen, { }, this)
    is Fragment -> BiometricPrompt(screen, { }, this)
    else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Screen type must be FragmentActivity or Fragment")


I wanted to start biometricPromt?.authenticate(info, cryptoObject) but in this case I need to initialize Cipher and it throwing the exception UserNotAuthenticated. After user successfully scanned biometrics I am creating the SecretKey and use for encryption. Then I am changing fingerprints (add some new fingerprints and remove). And decryption process like encryption but only when getting key I am not creating new one but getting it from keystore. Although I am changed fingerprints everything decyrpting fine. I want to deny decrypting if user changed fingerprints in his device. How to achieve this functionality with androidx.BiometricPrompt library?

from Invalidate key by biometric enrollment with new androidx.BiometricPrompt

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