Saturday 22 August 2020

Why my On Demans Resource is still in Downloading... status?

enter image description here

I am pretty sure that this is the reason why my completion block is not called here:

    resourceRequest = NSBundleResourceRequest(tags: Set(["preview"]))
    resourceRequest?.beginAccessingResources { [weak self] downloaded in //not called

        // here I do what I need with this and at the end I call      
        // self?.resourceRequest?.endAccessingResources()

I have cleaned and restarted Xcode, restarted iPhone and Macbook also. Nothing helped. How can I clear it here?


I have printed some info of progress property:

print(resourceRequest?.progress.isCancelled) //false
print(resourceRequest?.progress.isPaused) //false
print(resourceRequest?.progress.isFinished) //false
print(resourceRequest?.progress.isIndeterminate) //false
print(resourceRequest?.progress.localizedDescription) //0% completed
print(resourceRequest?.progress.isCancellable) //true

but when I call cancel() nothing changes...

from Why my On Demans Resource is still in Downloading... status?

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