Monday 31 August 2020

face-api and tensorflow.js not working in browser

I'm trying to run this example in the browser

Specifically this code here

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <script src="assets/face-api.js"></script>
  <script src="assets/commons.js"></script>
  <script src="assets/faceDetectionControls.js"></script>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/styles.css">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
  <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>
  <div id="navbar"></div>
  <div class="center-content page-container">

    <div class="progress" id="loader">
      <div class="indeterminate"></div>
    <div style="position: relative" class="margin">
      <video onloadedmetadata="onPlay(this)" id="inputVideo" autoplay muted playsinline></video>
      <canvas id="overlay" />

    <div class="row side-by-side">

      <!-- face_detector_selection_control -->
      <div id="face_detector_selection_control" class="row input-field" style="margin-right: 20px;">
        <select id="selectFaceDetector">
          <option value="ssd_mobilenetv1">SSD Mobilenet V1</option>
          <option value="tiny_face_detector">Tiny Face Detector</option>
        <label>Select Face Detector</label>
      <!-- face_detector_selection_control -->

      <!-- check boxes -->
      <div class="row" style="width: 220px;">
        <input type="checkbox" id="hideBoundingBoxesCheckbox" onchange="onChangeHideBoundingBoxes(event)" />
        <label for="hideBoundingBoxesCheckbox">Hide Bounding Boxes</label>
      <!-- check boxes -->

      <!-- fps_meter -->
      <div id="fps_meter" class="row side-by-side">
          <label for="time">Time:</label>
          <input disabled value="-" id="time" type="text" class="bold">
          <label for="fps">Estimated Fps:</label>
          <input disabled value="-" id="fps" type="text" class="bold">
      <!-- fps_meter -->


    <!-- ssd_mobilenetv1_controls -->
    <span id="ssd_mobilenetv1_controls">
      <div class="row side-by-side">
        <div class="row">
          <label for="minConfidence">Min Confidence:</label>
          <input disabled value="0.5" id="minConfidence" type="text" class="bold">
          class="waves-effect waves-light btn"
          <i class="material-icons left">-</i>
          class="waves-effect waves-light btn"
          <i class="material-icons left">+</i>
    <!-- ssd_mobilenetv1_controls -->

    <!-- tiny_face_detector_controls -->
    <span id="tiny_face_detector_controls">
      <div class="row side-by-side">
        <div class="row input-field" style="margin-right: 20px;">
          <select id="inputSize">
            <option value="" disabled selected>Input Size:</option>
            <option value="128">128 x 128</option>
            <option value="160">160 x 160</option>
            <option value="224">224 x 224</option>
            <option value="320">320 x 320</option>
            <option value="416">416 x 416</option>
            <option value="512">512 x 512</option>
            <option value="608">608 x 608</option>
          <label>Input Size</label>
        <div class="row">
          <label for="scoreThreshold">Score Threshold:</label>
          <input disabled value="0.5" id="scoreThreshold" type="text" class="bold">
          class="waves-effect waves-light btn"
          <i class="material-icons left">-</i>
          class="waves-effect waves-light btn"
          <i class="material-icons left">+</i>
    <!-- tiny_face_detector_controls -->


    let forwardTimes = []
    let withBoxes = true

    function onChangeHideBoundingBoxes(e) {
      withBoxes = !$('checked')

    function updateTimeStats(timeInMs) {
      forwardTimes = [timeInMs].concat(forwardTimes).slice(0, 30)
      const avgTimeInMs = forwardTimes.reduce((total, t) => total + t) / forwardTimes.length
      $('#time').val(`${Math.round(avgTimeInMs)} ms`)
      $('#fps').val(`${faceapi.utils.round(1000 / avgTimeInMs)}`)

    async function onPlay() {
      const videoEl = $('#inputVideo').get(0)

      if(videoEl.paused || videoEl.ended || !isFaceDetectionModelLoaded())
        return setTimeout(() => onPlay())

      const options = getFaceDetectorOptions()

      const ts =

      const result = await faceapi.detectSingleFace(videoEl, options).withFaceExpressions()

      updateTimeStats( - ts)

      if (result) {
        const canvas = $('#overlay').get(0)
        const dims = faceapi.matchDimensions(canvas, videoEl, true)

        const resizedResult = faceapi.resizeResults(result, dims)
        const minConfidence = 0.05
        if (withBoxes) {
          faceapi.draw.drawDetections(canvas, resizedResult)
        faceapi.draw.drawFaceExpressions(canvas, resizedResult, minConfidence)

      setTimeout(() => onPlay())

    async function run() {
      // load face detection and face expression recognition models
      await changeFaceDetector(TINY_FACE_DETECTOR)
      await faceapi.loadFaceExpressionModel('/')

      // try to access users webcam and stream the images
      // to the video element
      const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ video: {} })
      const videoEl = $('#inputVideo').get(0)
      videoEl.srcObject = stream

    function updateResults() {}

    $(document).ready(function() {
      renderNavBar('#navbar', 'webcam_face_expression_recognition')

Unfortunately this is not working ( I have loaded the associated libraries into assets, i.e., and moving the other files from this example here

What am i doing wrong? I am loading this on a page on my site here in case you want to see what's happening in the browser.

Based on changes below,

Here is the node server where I am setting where things are held - is it possible to just change this instead? As it is coming up with a separate issue with the shard needed in the model as well now when making the changes suggested below.


const config = require('../../config');

const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const server = require('http').createServer(app);
const io = require('')(server, { wsEngine: 'ws' });
const mysql = require('mysql');
const expressSession = require('express-session');
const ExpressMysqlSessionStore = require('express-mysql-session')(expressSession);
const sharedsession = require('');
const path = require('path');

const utils = require('./utils');

// remove from header "X-Powered-By: Express"

server.listen(config.serverParams.port, config.serverParams.address, () => {
    console.log(`Server running at http://${server.address().address}:${server.address().port}`);

global.db = mysql.createConnection(config.db);

const sessionStore = new ExpressMysqlSessionStore(config.sessionStore, db);
const session = expressSession({
    store: sessionStore,

app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, './src/assets')))
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, './src/assets/weights')))

    //can reaplce * with website we want to allow access
    res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');

], (req, res) => res.sendFile(path.join(`${config.frontendDir}${req.path}.html`)));

io.use(sharedsession(session, {
    autoSave: true

io.on('connection', socket => {

    socket.use((packet, next) => {
        if (packet[0]) {
            console.log('METHOD:', packet[0]);
            const sessionData = socket.handshake.session.user;
            const noSessionNeed = [ 'login', 'signup', 'checkAuth' ].includes(packet[0]);
            let error;
            if ( ! sessionData && ! noSessionNeed) error = { code: -1, message: 'You need to login in extension!' };
            if (error) return next(new Error(JSON.stringify(error)));
            else next();

    const auth = require('./auth')(socket);
    socket.on('checkAuth', auth.checkAuth);
    socket.on('login', auth.login);
    socket.on('signup', auth.signup);
    socket.on('logout', auth.logout);

    const users = require('./users')(socket);
    socket.on('users.get', users.get);

    const sentiment = require('./sentiment')(socket);
    socket.on('sentiment.get', sentiment.get);
    socket.on('sentiment.set', sentiment.set);

    socket.on('disconnect', () => {



Reason being still getting an error for some reason as below,?

fetchOrThrow.ts:11 Uncaught (in promise) Error: failed to fetch: (404) , from url:
    at fetchOrThrow.ts:11
    at step (drawContour.ts:28)
    at (drawContour.ts:28)
    at fulfilled (drawContour.ts:28)
(anonymous) @   fetchOrThrow.ts:11
step    @   drawContour.ts:28
(anonymous) @   drawContour.ts:28
fulfilled   @   drawContour.ts:28
async function (async)      
run @   webcamFaceExpressionRecognition.html:142
(anonymous) @   webcamFaceExpressionRecognition.html:158
j   @   jquery-2.1.1.min.js:2
fireWith    @   jquery-2.1.1.min.js:2
ready   @   jquery-2.1.1.min.js:2
I   @   jquery-2.1.1.min.js:2

Thanks in advance!

from face-api and tensorflow.js not working in browser

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