Having done a lot of research and testing, I've pieced together several snippets to achieve almost 100%, thanks to multiple Stack articles (such as How to Click to show & Click to call?).
Given multiple containers as shown:
<div class="entry-details">
<p class="phone">+18885551212,,,111</p>
<p class="address">111 Any Street, Anytown, NY 10010, USA</p>
<p class="time">11:00 to 08:00</p>
<div class="entry-details">
<p class="phone">+18885551212,,,222</p>
<p class="address">222 Any Street, Anytown, NY 10010, USA</p>
<p class="time">11:00 to 08:00</p>
<div class="entry-details">
<p class="phone">+18885551212,,,333</p>
<p class="address">333 Any Street, Anytown, NY 10010, USA</p>
<p class="time">11:00 to 08:00</p>
<div class="entry-details">
<p class="phone">+16665551200</p>
<p class="address">444 Any Street, Anytown, NY 10010, USA</p>
<p class="time">11:00 to 08:00</p>
The goal onClick is to:
- Copy p.phone field text to href;
- Wrap p.phone field with href tel tag ;
- Replace p.phone content with "Click to Call";
- On click, show number formatted as # + ext (ex. 888-555-1212 Ext 222) if commas and extension are present, standard tel if not (ex. 888-555-1212).
- and finally, dial the # including pauses (commas);
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
$('.phone').wrapInner('<a class="phone-link" href=""></a>');
$('.phone').each(function() {
var $phoneLink = $(this).find('.phone-link');
var _linkUrl = $phoneLink.text();
$(this).find('a.phone-link').attr('href', 'tel:' + _linkUrl).text('Click to Call');
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="entry-details">
<p class="phone">+18885551212,,,111</p>
<p class="address">111 Any Street, Anytown, NY 10010, USA</p>
<p class="time">11:00 to 08:00</p>
<div class="entry-details">
<p class="phone">+18885551212,,,222</p>
<p class="address">222 Any Street, Anytown, NY 10010, USA</p>
<p class="time">11:00 to 08:00</p>
<div class="entry-details">
<p class="phone">+18885551212,,,333</p>
<p class="address">333 Any Street, Anytown, NY 10010, USA</p>
<p class="time">11:00 to 08:00</p>
<div class="entry-details">
<p class="phone">+16665551200</p>
<p class="address">444 Any Street, Anytown, NY 10010, USA</p>
<p class="time">11:00 to 08:00</p>
I had written another function for the final piece (changing Click to Call on click), but
- It didn’t work
- It changed all instances of .phone when clicked.
from Multi-Function jQuery onClick to Call Script
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