Sunday 8 September 2019

React: UI not painted correctly with dhtmlx-gantt library when applied with filters

I am using React with dhtmlx-gantt library to create gantt chart. I met with issue when using the filter function together with useEffect/useLayoutEffect lifecycle.

The gist of it is that the browser is not painting/rendering the correct UI on the screen on certain condition.

The start state load screen looks like this:
6 Task


After filter, this should be how it looks like:
Should be left with 5 task after filtering away duration > 4


But this is how it is:
Left with 5 task but an empty row is shown rather than "refreshing" (not sure if this is the right term to use)


I have created a github repo with different scenario describing the problem, and how to reproduce those issue. More information on how to run the sample can be found in the Please let me know if more information needs to be provided.

Sample 1: Using conditional rendering will cause issue on painting UI changes
Sample 2: Turning smart_rendering config on and off cause issue on painting UI changes
Sample 3: Calling the function within the parent component and in child component with exact same code cause issue on painting UI

My desired outcome is to able to render the UI correctly, whether or not this code to filter the data is ran on parent or child component.

I should also mention that a workaround was to use if (document.querySelector(".gantt_grid")) gantt.render(); rather than gantt.refreshData() in onBeforeTaskDisplay event which will then correctly paint the UI changes. But I still like to understand why does this happens. Is there anything I did wrongly in term of using the React lifecycle and so on.

Thank you.

from React: UI not painted correctly with dhtmlx-gantt library when applied with filters

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