Thursday 12 September 2019

Delete messages in a queue on a RabbitMQ (AMQP) server

I have 1 big task which consists out of 200 sub-tasks (messages) which will be published onto a queue. If I want to cancel this 1 task, the 200 messages (or the ones that are left and not processed yet) should be deleted. Is there any way to delete these published messages in a queue?

One solution I could think of is to create a queue (Q) which where I publish the name of a new queue (X). Each consumer connects then to this new dynamically created queue (X) and process the 200 published messages. If I want to abort the entire task I delete only that queue (X) from the publisher side. Is that a common approach?

from Delete messages in a queue on a RabbitMQ (AMQP) server

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