Sunday 8 September 2019

Angular Material mat-table not returning any results upon filter

I have attempted to re-create a mat-table using the Angular Material package. The mat-table examples have recently been massively improved, which is amazing. They provided this example here with both sort and filter features.

I have attempted to reproduce this within the context of my own app, using dummy data in a minimal example on stackblitz here.

The table displays and is populated with data, but as soon as I type more than one letter, the filter method seems to incorrectly be removing all entries, even ones that it should not.

One difference that I can think of here is that in my example, I'm using a class in my declaration of the dataSource: dataSource: MatTableDataSource<Match>;, whereas in the example provided by the Angular people, it's an interface: dataSource: MatTableDataSource<UserData>;.

This is just as likely a red herring, though, as I tried playing with an interface instead with no success. Any help here is very much appreciated.

from Angular Material mat-table not returning any results upon filter

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