Saturday, 27 July 2019

iOS 8: Launch Screen StoryBoard appears black [single XIB file works fine]

So I tried creating a launch storyboard for my iOS 8 app using this tutorial

However, I only get a black screen when I launch my app. A single launch screen.xib file works perfectly, however, when I try to use a storyboard, it doesn't work.

I tried a storyboard with just a single view controller, but it still gives me a black screen, hence I believe the issue is with storyboard files in my setup. Any ideas?

[XCode version 6.4]

EDIT: So I just want to clarify that it is the launch screen that appears black. The main storyboard itself appears correctly when the app has finished loading

from iOS 8: Launch Screen StoryBoard appears black [single XIB file works fine]

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