Friday, 28 June 2019

Remove space between rectangles html5 canvas

I use a For Loop to create 100 somewhat rectangles inside the HTMLCanvasElement.

But there are white spaces between the rectangles when ZOOMING in or out (with the scrolling functions on a mouse or touchpad). Now, adding a stroke to the rectangles will solve the area, but then the rectangles wont be perfectly aligned anymore.

rectangles with white space

Does anyone know how to fix this?

I've also taken a look at Uint8ClampedArray to create a custom ImageData Object. But I've come to the conclusion that Uint8ClampedArray isn't going to be a solution to this problem.

var canvas = $('#canvas'),
  ctx = canvas.get(0).getContext("2d"),
  win = $(window),
  ww = win.outerWidth(),
  wh = win.outerHeight(),
  scale = 1,
  pixelSize = 10 * scale,
  wx = 0,
  wy = 0,
  sx = 0,
  sy = 0;

var settings = {
  grid: true

var mouse = {
  x: 0,
  y: 0,
  rx: 0,
  ry: 0,
  button: 0

function zoom(f) {
  return Math.floor(f * scale);

function zoomX(x) {
  return Math.floor((x - wx) * scale + sx);

function zoomY(y) {
  return Math.floor((y - wy) * scale + sy);

function zoomX_INV(x) {
  return Math.floor((x - sx) * (1 / scale) + wx);

function zoomY_INV(y) {
  return Math.floor((y - sy) * (1 / scale) + wy);

function setBackground(color) {
  ctx.rect(0, 0, ww, wh);
  ctx.fillStyle = color;

function drawPixel(x1, y1, fill) {
  ctx.rect(zoomX(x1 * pixelSize), zoomY(y1 * pixelSize), zoom(pixelSize), zoom(pixelSize));
  ctx.fillStyle = fill;
  //    below wont fix it
  // ctx.strokeStyle = fill;
  // ctx.lineWidth = 2;
  // ctx.stroke();

function drawGrid() {
  //    var offsetX = Math.floor(wx / pixelSize) * pixelSize - wx,
  //            offsetY = Math.floor(wy / pixelSize) * pixelSize - wy;

  //    ctx.beginPath();

  //    ctx.moveTo(0, pixelSize);
  //    ctx.lineTo(0, wh);

  // //         for(var x = 0; x < ww; x += pixelSize * scale) {
  // //                 ctx.moveTo(zoomX(x), zoomY(0));
  // //                 ctx.lineTo(zoomX(x), zoomY(wh));
  // //         }

  // //         for(var y = 0; y < wh; y += pixelSize * scale) {
  // //                 ctx.moveTo(zoomX(0), zoomY(y));
  // //         ctx.lineTo(zoomX(ww), zoomY(y));
  // //         }

  //    ctx.strokeStyle = 'black';
  //    ctx.lineWidth = .5;
  //     ctx.stroke();

function draw() {
  ctx.clearRect(0, 0, ww, wh);


  for (var x = 0; x < 10; x++) {
    for (var y = 0; y < 10; y++) {
      drawPixel(x, y, 'green');
      drawPixel(x + 12, y + 12, 'skyblue');
  drawPixel(11, 11, 'green');

  // if (settings.grid) {
  //    drawGrid();
  // }

function resize() {

  ww = win.outerWidth();
  wh = win.outerHeight();

  canvas.get(0).width = ww;
  canvas.get(0).height = wh;


function init() {

canvas.on('mousemove mousedown mouseup mouseout', function(e) {
  if (e.type === "mousedown") {
    mouse.button = 1;
  } else if (e.type === "mouseup" || event.type === "mouseout") {
    mouse.button = 0;

  mouse.bounds = canvas.get(0).getBoundingClientRect();

  mouse.x = e.clientX - mouse.bounds.left;
  mouse.y = e.clientY -;

  var xx = mouse.rx;
  var yy = mouse.ry;

  mouse.rx = zoomX_INV(mouse.x);
  mouse.ry = zoomY_INV(mouse.y);

  if (mouse.button === 1) {
    wx -= mouse.rx - xx;
    wy -= mouse.ry - yy;
    mouse.rx = zoomX_INV(mouse.x);
    mouse.ry = zoomY_INV(mouse.y);


canvas.on('wheel', function(e) {

  if (e.originalEvent.wheelDelta / 120 > 0) {
    scale = Math.min(2, scale * 1.1);
  } else {
    scale = Math.max(0.5, scale * (1 / 1.1));

  wx = mouse.rx;
  wy = mouse.ry;
  sx = mouse.x;
  sy = mouse.y;

  mouse.rx = zoomX_INV(mouse.x);
  mouse.ry = zoomY_INV(mouse.y);


win.on('load resize', function() {
*:before {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
  box-sizing: border-box;

body {
  overflow: hidden;

#wrapper #controls {
  position: absolute;

#wrapper #canvas {
  image-rendering: -moz-crisp-edges;
  image-rendering: -webkit-crisp-edges;
  -ms-interpolation-mode: nearest-neighbor;
  image-rendering: -o-pixelated;
  image-rendering: pixelated;
  image-rendering: crisp-edges;
<script src=""></script>

<div id="wrapper">
  <div id="controls"></div>
  <canvas id="canvas"></canvas>

from Remove space between rectangles html5 canvas

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