I am trying to build a small LSTM that can learn to write code (even if it's garbage code) by training it on existing Python code. I have concatenated a few thousand lines of code together in one file across several hundred files, with each file ending in <eos>
to signify "end of sequence".
As an example, my training file looks like:
import pyux
with open('api.json', 'w') as f:
json.dump(sign, f)
I am creating tokens from the words with:
file = open(self.textfile, 'r')
filecontents = file.read()
filecontents = filecontents.replace("\n\n", "\n")
filecontents = filecontents.replace('\n', ' \n ')
filecontents = filecontents.replace(' ', ' \t ')
text_in_words = [w for w in filecontents.split(' ') if w != '']
self._words = set(text_in_words)
STEP = 1
self._codelines = []
self._next_words = []
for i in range(0, len(text_in_words) - self.seq_length, STEP):
self._codelines.append(text_in_words[i: i + self.seq_length])
self._next_words.append(text_in_words[i + self.seq_length])
My keras
model is:
model = Sequential()
model.add(Embedding(input_dim=len(self._words), output_dim=1024))
LSTM(128), input_shape=(self.seq_length, len(self._words))))
optimizer="adam", metrics=['accuracy'])
But no matter how much I train it, the model never seems to generate <eos>
or even \n
. I think it might be because my LSTM size is 128
and my seq_length
is 200, but that doesn't quite make sense? Is there something I'm missing?
from Why does my keras LSTM model get stuck in an infinite loop?
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