Important Note: I am aware that I could simply call my callback
function inside didUpdateLocations
and achieve what I want. Unfortunately, this route cannot be taken because of some pre-existing design decisions that were made in this project (which I have no influence over).
I need to write a function that fires the first time the user's coordinates update, and then passes those coordinates to a completion handler. In my case, that completion handler is a function called fetchCountry(fromLocation: CLLocation)
which returns the country corresponding to the CLLocation
In other words, I want to write a function similar to didUpdateLocations
, with the capability of calling a completion handler after those updates have been received:
func getUserLocation(callback: @escaping (CLLocation?) -> Void) {
// wait until user's location has been retrieved by location manager, somehow
// prepare output for callback function and pass it as its argument
let latitude = manager.location!.coordinate.latitude
let longitude = manager.location!.coordinate.longitude
let location = CLLocation(latitude: latitude, longitude: longitude)
In short, getUserLocation
is just a wrapper for didUpdateLocations
but I am really not sure how I would go about writing this function so that it achieves what I want.
My greater goal here is to show the user a local notification only if they are in a certain country (e.g. United States) upon launching the app. It is a hard requirement for my application to make the decision of scheduling/not scheduling this notification inside AppDelegate.swift, but this decision cannot be made until the user's location has been retrieved. I plan to use getUserLocation
inside the appDelegate like this:
I hope that I have conveyed clearly that I am looking to achieve this using a function with a completion handler. Here is what I would like my code to do (i.e. my use case), inside AppDelegate.swift:
// inside didFinishLaunchingWithOptions
UNUserNotificationCenter.current().requestAuthorization(options: [.badge, .alert, .sound]) { (granted, error) in
if granted {
// this is the use case of the function I am trying to write
LocationManager.shared.getLocation(completion: { location in
// fetches the country from given location using reverse geo-coding
LocationManager.shared.fetchCountry(from: location, completion: { country in
if country == "United States" {
let notification = LocalNotification()
notificationManager.schedule(notification: notification)
from Function that fires after user's location has updated
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