Wednesday, 27 February 2019

How can I create an entity specific to a user's session with actions-on-google-nodejs?

I'm creating an action for Google Assistant with Dialogflow and actions-on-google-nodejs that accesses the GitKraken Glo API to add cards to people's boards. I'm authenticating my users with Account Linking. I want my users to be able to say things like Add a card to [board name] or Add a card. If a board name isn't given I want the action to prompt the user for it. How can I create a session entity that get's all the board names for the logged in user?

Sorry if this doesn't make much sense, I'm pretty new to Actions on Google and Dialogflow. Feel free to ask questions for clarity.

from How can I create an entity specific to a user's session with actions-on-google-nodejs?

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