I have 2 classes A and B , 3 tables A , B and AB
A.belongsToMany(B,as:'Bs', through: models.AB)
B.belongsToMany(A,as:'As', through: models.AB)
Until now the associations are working im able to fetch A with B included and the other way around.
when im trying to create A , i am sending the JSON including the chosen B values. My JSON :
"name" : "A"
"Bs": [
{"id_B" : 1},
{"id_B" :2},
{"id_B" :3}
My code to insert rows is :
A= await models.A.build(req.body,
{ as:'Bs',required:true,model:models.B},
What i expect the outcome to be is for sequelize to create rows inside AB table with the id's provided and the newly created id_A , but instead it is trying to create a row id_B inside table B and failing because of other attributes that cannot be null.
I have searched quite a while and tried multiple solutions, i understand that i am able to do this with two steps:
1)create A
1) is it possible to do it with one step ?
2) Am i doing something wrong with my JSON or its just not possible?
from BelongsToMany Association and Inserting to the DB using NodeJS Sequelize
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