Monday 31 December 2018

UITableViewCell with left and right labels. How to make them display correctly?

I have an UITableViewCell with 2 labels which can have different content. Sometimes the left label is very big and the right label is small, or empty or sometimes the right label contains a lot of information.

Is it possible to make them display correctly (i.e. no label should be truncated and the hight of the labels should be as small as possible) only by playing with the constraints and content hugging/compression resistance priorities?

I already tried adding constraints for minimum width, or changing the priorities for compression and hugging to 1000, but I always have some issues like either the text is truncated (see screenshot) or one of the labels is displayed on 10 lines and the other on only one line (see the second screenshot).

Here is some sample data that I'm playing with (demo project available here

    let data = [
    (left: "left one two three four five", right: "7"),
    (left: "left one two three four five 6 7 more here", right: "right one two three four five 6 7"),
    (left: "left one two three four five 6 7", right: "right one two three four five 6 7 something"),
    (left: "6 = ", right: "right one two three four five 6 7"),
    (left: "left one two three four five 6 7 right one two three four five 6 7 eight right one two three four five 6 7 eight", right: "")

Here are some samples of the issues I'm facing: Imgur

-- or --


from UITableViewCell with left and right labels. How to make them display correctly?

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