Saturday 29 December 2018

Is GET_ACCOUNTS permission still required for Google Drive REST API?

Google has deprecated Google Drive Android API.

We are migrating over to Google Drive REST API (v3).

2 years ago, we have experience in using Google Drive REST API (v2). We know that GET_ACCOUNTS permission is required, for GoogleAuthUtil.getToken() to work correctly - Google Drive API - the name must not be empty: null (But I had passed valid account name to GoogleAccountCredential)

When we look at example of Google Drive REST API (v3) - , we notice that Google team does mention explicitly

<!-- Permissions required by GoogleAuthUtil -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.MANAGE_ACCOUNTS" />

Surprisingly, when we run the example app (, there's no run-time permission dialog being pop up for Android 6 and 8. Yet, the app can work without issue.

We expect the app will fail working, as no GET_ACCOUNTS permission was granted for the app. However, it can still auth and communicate with Google Drive service, without issue.

This is what I have tested so far

I have tested in Android 5, Android 6 and Android 8. No runtime GET_ACCOUNTS permission is granted for Android 6 and Android 8.

I'm also further test, by removing GET_ACCOUNTS and MANAGE_ACCOUNTS from Manifest completely. Still, both Android 5, Android 6 and Android 8 are workable. Before running, I have clear cache and clear storage of the app.

So, is GET_ACCOUNTS runtime permission request still required for Google Drive REST API to work?

from Is GET_ACCOUNTS permission still required for Google Drive REST API?

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