Monday, 24 September 2018

DRF Workflow Approach

I'm building a business application which will support multiple Loan products, for eg HomeLoan, CarLoan, PersonalLoan, EcommerceLoan.

The major steps involved are

  1. Onboarding (Generating Lead)
  2. User Info (and Verification) -
  3. Loan Info (Credibility)
  4. Disbursement

An example of the business flow is

  1. Customer comes on-board, registers his mobile number, verifies it with OTP,

  2. fills his personal information (validate it),

  3. provides the loan amount

  4. check loan credibility

  5. Allocate funds (after XYZ validations)

  6. Provide Bank Account details

  7. Verify Bank Account (only after you have abc information)

  8. Do eKYC

  9. Disburse

Now, I'm building the same using Django DRF Rest-ful APIs. However, there's a concern.

In another product of ours, the flow can be different. Step 4 and step 6 can be interchanged, but step 7 need to be done at the same position. Basically, I should have the flexibilty to reshuffle the activities (nodes)

As of right now, the APIs written (although modular)is specific for only 1 product. How can I use DRF as a workflow approach? or use any library on top of DRF that can govern the flow.

from DRF Workflow Approach

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