Thursday, 30 August 2018

puppeteer : how check if browser is still open and working

im trying to open multiple tabs in a single browser instance , after they're done i close the tabs and then re-opening those tabs every x seconds ... but i want to keep the browser itself open so i dont have to login in each tab on every loop

so the browser remains open , tabs open and close

here is my simplified code , pleas ignore syntax erros

var  global_browser = false ;
async function init_puppeteer( settings ) {

    if(global_browser === false )
        global_browser = await puppeteer.launch({headless: false  , args:['--no-sandbox']});

    for(var i = 0  ; i < settings.length ; i++ )
        var setting = settings[i];

 async function open_tab( setting ){
    const page    = await global_browser.newPage();
    // do stuff 

setInterval(function (){
}, 50000 );

here is the problem , sometimes browser crashes or it get closed for whatever reason but the global_browser remains an object /instance of puppeteer ... of curse it wont work when i try open a tab with that instance , and i get something like

(node:5720) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: WebSocket is not open: readyState 3 (CLOSED)

here is my question , how can i check and make sure i have a working/open instance of puppeteer in global_browser ? so i can create a new instance and replace it if the previous one is closed

from puppeteer : how check if browser is still open and working

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