Friday 20 July 2018

Icon font not displaying on iOS 12

I have an issue with an icon font not displaying on iOS 12 (it works perfectly fine on iOS <= 11). A few more details on what I've found and how we use the font:

1) The font is properly included in the project and it appears when NSlogging [UIFont familyNames] and [UIFont fontNamesForFamilyName:iconFontFamilyName]

2) I'm accessing the icons using the \u notation: label.text = @"\uXXXX". When XXXX does NOT exist in the font, the app displays the "question-mark-in-a-square", indicating (correctly) that the code does not exist. However, if the code DOES exist in the font, then the app displays nothing at all - the respective element appears blank.

Is there something we're missing here?

from Icon font not displaying on iOS 12

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