Friday 20 July 2018

how to work with references using ffi?

I have folowing c++ function compiled with node-gyp.
void InterfaceTestOne(const string & mytest)
        const string *ptr = &mytest; 
        printf("The variable X is at 0x%p\n", (void *)ptr);
        cout << mytest.length() << endl;
        cout << mytest << endl;

and nodejs code:
var math = ffi.Library(main, {
    "_Z16InterfaceTestOneRKSsi": ["void",  [ref.refType(string)]],


var output = ref.allocCString('hello alex');

console.log("length", output.length) #12
console.log("address", output.address()) #4353704472
console.log("ref", output.ref()) # <Buffer@0x103804228 18 42 80 03 01 00 00 00>

math._Z16InterfaceTestOneRKSsi(output.ref(), outputText.length)

#c++ output
The variable X is at 0x0x103804230 
4347093136 <-- mytest size 
This is TestOne
hello alex�����s�P��X��0��
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So instead of string size 12 i got in c++ size 4353704472 ref address in nodejs and c++ also is difference 0x103804228 and 0x0x103804230. and looks that's why i got in addition to my text a ton of garbage.
Any idea how to fix that?

from how to work with references using ffi?

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