Wednesday 18 July 2018

How should be implemented the ViewModel for an activity with many fields


There is a settings screen (SettingsActivity) with about 10 text fields and 3 buttons. The text fields, which on onClick open a dialog to insert/edit text, has its contents saved in the SharedPreferences. The buttons do async requests to retrieve contents and save elsewhere. During the requests, a dialog is shown to notify the progress.

Initial solution


Basically a wrapper for the SharedPreferences that has 10 getters and 10 setters, one for each field. On get[field_name], the DataRepository gets the value from the SharedPreferences and on set[field_name], it commits to the SharedPreferences.


A ViewModel which has 10 MutableLiveData objects, one for each field. This class implements the LifecycleObserver to know about the SettingsActivity lifecycle so it could load the fields from the repository on onCreate and save the fields to the repository on onDestroy.

There are also 3 methods to do the 3 async requests that are fired by the 3 buttons mentioned. Each method receives an OnRequestProgressListener instance, that is passed to the class that makes the async request to be used to notify the view about the progress.


An activity with 10 fields, that observes the 10 MutableLiveData from the ViewModel. On onClick of each field, a dialog is opened to edit/insert text. On the onPositiveButton of the dialog, the observer of the corresponding field is called.

The activity implements the OnRequestProgressListener to show and hide dialogs accordingly to the async requests progress.

Initial solution problem

The design described above doesn't seem to be correct. I can point out some:

  • 10 MutableLiveData in the ViewModel;
  • 10 getters and 10 setters in the DataRepository;
  • A repository for SharedPreferences.
  • The ViewModel receives listeners to pass to the classes that do the async requests which use these listeners to notify the view. All with the ViewModel in the middle.

Correct solution

Is that the correct solution? If not, which I believe it isn't, how should be designed the correct solution?

from How should be implemented the ViewModel for an activity with many fields

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