Tuesday 17 July 2018

Blacklisting Module in react native takes no effect

according to a previously asked question How to blacklist specific node_modules of my package's dependencies in react-native's packager?

I created such a file in my project root directory. Name: rn-cli.config.js

My file content:

var blacklist = require('react-native/packager/blacklist');

var config = {
  getBlacklistRE(platform) {
    return blacklist(platform, [

module.exports = config;

I am trying to target the Module directly since it's the only one causing an error where two modules have the same name.

Now when I try to re-run my project (start with xCode) i still get the same duplicate error for the same module.

Do I need to do something else than just simply creating that file?

from Blacklisting Module in react native takes no effect

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