Sunday, 1 July 2018

Angular 2+ - data loading: best practices

I was wondering what the best approach is to load data in Angular 5. Of course, we want to keep components dumb ;) For now, I am using a resolver and Angular calls the resolver in a specific route. Basically, data is loaded before a component has been initialised so I can show a loader animation to the user.



export class AResolver implements Resolve<any> {
    constructor(private readonly aService: AService) {}

    resolve(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot) {
        return this.aService.find(route.paramMap.get('id'));


export const MRoutes: Routes = [
        path: 'route-x',
        component: AComponent,
        resolve: AResolver


    selector: 'a-super-fancy-name',
export class AComponent {

    constructor(private readonly route: ActivatedRoute) {}


Well, so far so good, but:

  1. What if I have resolvers with dependencies? So, to resolve B we need an id from A? Should I use a resolver wrapper? Thus I do something like:


export class ABResolver implements Resolve<any> {

    constructor(private readonly aService: AService, private readonly bService: BService) {}

    resolve(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot) {
        return this.aService.resolve(route, state).map((result) => this.bService.resolveWithId(result.Id));

I guess this is the best approach because we still have 2 independent resolvers that can be reused. In general, is it a good practice to make resolver wrappers for all components that need data or only for resolvers that depend on other resolvers, or shouldn't I use resolver wrappers at all?

  1. What about other methods in a resolver (like the resolveWithId)?

  2. in AResolver route.paramMap is used the get the id. Isn't it better to pass the id because this looks tightly coupled?

  3. What are the alternatives?

  4. What are the drawbacks of the approach I use?

from Angular 2+ - data loading: best practices

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